The future is who we are

The Future is Who We Are: fluid, anxious, open, questioning, edgy, connected, fascinated, captivating.
A postclub-scene oriented, representing identities with queer poetics and non-binary scenarios, this poetic video portrays contemporary milieu in art, fashion, media world, and human communication. With a focus on an absorbing imagist vocabulary, the video grasps also the topics of environmental anxiety, posthuman ethics, neural mirroring, and social reciprocity.

Budúcnosť je taká, akí sme: fluidná, úzkostlivá, otvorená, spochybňujúca, popudlivá, prepojená, fascinujúca, podmanivá.
Toto poetické video s postklubovou queer atmosférou zobrazuje súčasný svet v umení, móde, mediálnom svete a v ľudskej komunikácii. Takisto sa dotýka tém enviromentálnej úzkosti, posthuman etiky, neuronového zrkadlenia a vzájomnosti.

Director: Vladimira Hradecka / Living documentary
Art direction: Jan Durina
Music: Ephemeral Harms
Director of Photography: Michal Koštenský
Make up & hair: Petra Pucherova
Production Manager: Marianna Vadovičová
Editor: Peter Pisoň / Studio 727
Colourist: Broňa Brtáňová
Guest performance: Maty Grznár
(Make up & hair: Maty Grznár
Styling: Maty Grznár and Linda Strakova)
Models: Exit MM
and Linda Strakova
Backstage Photography: Lena Knappova
Produced by Slovak Fashion Council